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Election to the Executive Committee

The CSBA’s Bylaws states (Article V, Section 3), a Candidate Review Committee shall interview and recommend candidates for the offices of Vice President and President-elect. The Candidate Review Committee consists of members of the Delegate Assembly. The committee receives the nominations of candidates and evaluates and recommends candidates based on the qualifications outlined in the Executive Committees roles and responsibilities.

The election process for the Executive Committee takes place between the spring and fall of each year. Members are notified of when the election process begins. 

For more information regarding the Officer Nominations and Election process and to download forms, please click here.  

Election to the Board of Directors

The Delegate Assembly elects Directors to serve two-year terms, beginning immediately upon the close of the Annual Education Conference and Trade Show in December. In even-numbered years, Regional Directors from even-numbered regions, as well as the Directors-at-Large Asian/Pacific Islander and Hispanic are elected. In odd-numbered years, Regional Directors from odd-numbered regions, as well as the Directors-at-Large, African American, American Indian, and County are elected.

A nomination for Regional Director must be made by a Delegate from the respective region. Delegates are contacted directly regarding nomination of the Regional Director. 

Election to the Delegate Assembly

A board member must be nominated by a board residing in the same region or subregion as the nominee. The nomination is an action that is taken in a public board meeting and requires a majority vote, and nominees must sign a confirmation that they are willing to serve. Elections are held from February 1 to March 15. Terms begin April 1 for 2 years. Click here for more information about Delegate Assembly nominations and elections.