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Governance and Policy ResourcesResearch, guidance and services for effective school board governance

This toolkit offers guides and resources to assist boards throughout the four stages of implementing the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). LCFF will help governing boards connect their local decisions to foundational principles—including equity and transparency.  Governance teams will inform themselves about the language of the LCFF, how it will change the way funding is provided to local educational agencies (LEA) and how boards will need to plan. Boards should use this knowledge to inform the community, staff, parents and students about the shift in funding. They will also receive guidance to consult with stakeholders and staff to set goals and create a Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). Boards will then gather all available student data, set goals based on state and local priority areas, and create a plan to align those priorities with the budget. Finally, governance teams will learn the procedural requirements for sharing and receiving feedback on the LCAP, submit it for review and adopt it under the proper legal requirements.

The toolkit will be constantly evolving as we continue to gather and create content related to LCFF and LCAPs that will be useful to boards and governance teams as they plan, implement, and support the changes required by LCFF and will help them meet their LCAP goals. Please subscribe to updates here.